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Hey God, I had to get this pen to this paper because the devil will do anything in his power to stop me. Lord, let me start off by saying all the honor and glory belongs to you. Thank you for all the revelation you have given me these last two days. PLEASE BLESS MY TIME, MY HANDS, AND MY SPIRIT TO GET THESE THINGS OUT.

The the first word is PLAN. In 1st Samuel, you showed me in the rebuke of Saul and, in the selection of David, that you have a plan. It's already orchestrated before we even know anything about it. You told Saul that you were taking the kingdom from him and giving it to someone close to him. But when you said it, that person wasn’t close to him yet. You knew what was going to happen before it happened because you had a plan, or had already planned it out.

Then, you sent Samuel to anoint David. You had given Saul an evil-spirit that only a harp and a harp-player could tame. David was sent to play the harp for Saul and he fell in love with David. So here you made arrangements for the start of your plan. Again that neither of them knew about. It was by your design.

The second word is PREPARATION. Before I dive into preparation, an important thing to mention is that before David fought Goliath, Goliath presented himself to the Children of Israel twice a day for forty days (v.16). Imagine that, the Children of Israel was sore afraid for days continually. Forty days? Clearly, this was an issue that continued to rise that they did not have a clue of when it would end. I feel that way about the hardship here in my relationship. I keep running into the same junk. You know what it is; it is too much to name. I keep running into it, or it keeps presenting itself as Goliath kept presenting himself to the Children of Israel. 

Goliath’s continuation of presenting himself was a part of the  preparation process. Ok, so now, David hears what Goliath says, and knew by the grace of God that he would slay him. But, it was in those forty days, that God was making preparations. I feel like that was your (God) time to orchestrate some things. To get things in position. Nothing happened by chance. While they sat trembling in fear, you were preparing their victory. 

Also in preparation, Saul tried to equip David with a sword, shield, etc. However, David had not proved them to see if they worked for him, so he took them off. That’s a word right there because the weapons someone else uses may not be the choice (best), or Gods choice of weaponry for you. There are times when you can’t defeat a battle based upon what others have done or may tell you they would do. You know that “If it was me, I would…” or “That couldn’t be me because…”. Yeah ok! You have to go with what God has told you even if you do not understand it. Use the weapons that God equips you with. 

David decided to rock out (pun intended) with 5 stones. He went prepared with FIVE stones but knocked out Goliath with ONE. Now look at God. But watch this, he cut Goliath’s head off with his own sword. Oh Baby, all that is being dished out to me is going to come back to you; it is going to be the very thing that destroys you. How nasty I’m being treated will return itself upon its master because God will avenge my enemies. That's not my wish upon anyone but it is God's promise!

The next word is BATTLE. God planned, God prepared, and God sent a transition period. Here, the battle was a transitioning period of something to go through, and something to overcome. Now Lord, I’m in this battle. This giant here is something for me to transition from, something I have to go through and something to overcome. 

God, I ask that I successfully win this battle, Lord I ask that, you take as much time as you need to prepare me for this battle, the before  and the after. God please I beg that I’ve found favor in your sight. Please continue to prepare me. Loose me from this hold on me, give me discernment of when to speak up for myself and when to be quiet. I really do not know how this will go, and quite honestly, I do not want to focus on it. I just want to focus on you Lord. I don’t want to spend too much time on the logistics of the transition or after. I get so caught up on my next relationship, or my future children, and my future husband and that takes away my attention from you. I don’t want to do that. I don’t ever want to be in a relationship that takes me away from you. I don’t ever want to be in a relationship I focus on more than I focus on you, ever again. Jesus, lover of my soul, captain of my sea, I can’t wait to officially meet you. *HUGS*. 

Speaking of my husband, God, please please please let him have a relationship with you. It doesn’t have to be perfect but it needs to be established. I want to read the bible together, pray together, live for God together, and spread the gospel together. I’m ready. Yes, although probably very stressful, I am looking forward to being a helpmate to my husband and the mission you will assign to him in your kingdom. You revealed to me that I need to focus more on what I can do for your kingdom by myself instead of when you send my husband. In respect and obedience, I look forward to the strength to go at it alone as far as facing giants and battles and still living for you.

In Jesus Holy Name I pray, Amen.

If you are going through something, stop talking about it to people. Start talking about it to the one that can actually do something. Get in your word. Read your bible, pray, and listen to some sermons. Trust that if God planned it, he will prepare you and bring you out on the other side. Feel free to share your battle, your expectation of God, a prayer, etc.


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