The other day my friend and I were talking and she was going through her own trials that seem to have her down. She said she couldn’t sleep and couldn’t stop crying. It seemed like everything was getting her at once and she could only take it one day at a time. Let me give you some history on my friend, a little back story. We met in a time where I was uncertain about where I was with God. I knew God, and prayed to God, but I had cut Jesus out of my life. Remember in one of my previous journals I mentioned how I believed the hype that worshipping Jesus was idol worshipping and it was a sin. Because after all, idol worshipping was breaking one of the commandments. Yeah, someone whom never cracked open the Bible at least knew the basics right? WRONG! Well anyway, she and I had gone on a dinner date to Baltimore and on the drive home, we began talking about Jesus and I asked who Jesus was to her. She said God. I said how I felt Jesus wasn’t God. He may be real, he may have existed, bu...
Against The Grain is my own personal spiritual journal detailing my journey with God through my encounters, trials, and testimonies. In sharing my personal walk with God, I am hoping that I can reach those in need, those that do not know Jesus Christ, or are unsure of their relationship with him. This will also be a platform where other believers can feel at home, to share their accounts with God, and to have spiritual support. Let's set the atmosphere to give God his due glory!